What is Welding Fume?

Posted by Etienne Blouin on May 25, 2020 11:09:00 AM

What is welding fumes? We all have an idea of what is welding fume. It is obviously coming from molten metal that you create when you're welding. The mixture of the welding smoke is changing from one process to the other, but overall, it's a mixture of very fine particles and gases.

Topics: Fume Extraction

How Seam Tracking Solutions Compare

Posted by Scott Huber on May 18, 2020 3:25:40 PM

Looking at Seam Tracking means looking at a variety of possible solutions. Depending on your process, material, and cycle time needs, the right solution will usually present itself over time.

But with if you aren't aware of ALL the solutions available?

Or just know about a couple?

Topics: Seam Tracking

Source Capture Fume Extraction Options Explained

Posted by Etienne Blouin on May 12, 2020 10:43:00 AM

When you start looking at fume extraction solutions, there are a multitude of engineered possibilities to assist in the capture of weld fume. These are typically the most effective way of dealing with weld fume in the workplace apart from removing the welding process.

Topics: Fume Extraction

Conquering Weld Spatter in Robotic Welding

Posted by Jeff Henderson on May 5, 2020 8:00:00 AM

When I used to teach robotic welding misconceptions, I used to try to clear up to people:

Spatter is weld wire.

Many manufacturing engineers are under the impression that spatter is the puddle exploding. That is true to a point, but where the misconception often comes in play is the thinking that the source of spatter is the base metal, which it is not. Really, spatter comes from the filter metal.

Topics: Robotic Welding

How to Test Robotic Welding Torches and Get a Reliable Result

Posted by Jason Jamiel on Apr 29, 2020 10:21:00 AM

When you are evaluating a new robot welding torch, the ramifications of the testing is huge. Normally for large manufacturing companies, this is putting a solutions on the production for years with a high equipment investment. This makes the need to get great data to use to evaluate the right solution critical.

Topics: Robotic Welding

How to Test Welding Contact Tips

Posted by Jeff Henderson on Apr 21, 2020 9:33:00 AM

When evaluating the cost of your welding operation, it is important to consider the low-cost items that stack up over time; like your consumables, and more specifically, your contact tips.

Topics: Welding Consumables

Fume Extraction System Problems and Solutions

Posted by Jim DiLeo on Apr 9, 2020 11:59:46 AM

Fume extraction systems are big investment for your plant. Especially when using either a single station or multi-station fume extractor, it's bound to encounter problems at some point during it's service life.

That's normal and you shouldn't be surprised by that.

Topics: Fume Extraction

Fume Extraction Shrouds: A Detailed Explainer

Posted by Etienne Blouin on Feb 24, 2020 9:30:00 AM

If you are a welder, weld foreman, or welding engineer using a fume extraction welding gun, the shroud is one of the more unique features you have questions about.

Topics: Fume Extraction

5 Fume Extraction Questions You Should Know Before Starting

Posted by Craig Rice on Jan 21, 2020 7:00:00 AM

Let's face it: for most people looking at Fume Extraction, many of them have never seen fume extractions solutions before aside from extractor arms. 

That means most Safety Managers, Production Managers, or business Owners - and I may be talking to you directly - don't even know what questions to ask themselves before getting started.

Topics: Fume Extraction

Robotic Fume Extraction: A Guide on Source Capture Solutions

Posted by James Study on Dec 16, 2019 1:35:00 PM

The robotic fume extraction landscape has featured few lean, advanced, and cost-effective solutions for manufacturers. While fume extraction for manual welding has experienced a significant spike in new solutions entering the market – from high-vacuum systems to multi-gun units, to countless new fume extraction gun concepts – robotics has remained ignored and mostly unchanged with minimal innovation to speak of.

Topics: Robotic Welding, Fume Extraction