Cobot Welder Price: How Much Will It Really Cost?

Posted by Dave Detmer on Mar 24, 2025 3:14:18 PM

The future of manufacturing is here, and it's being shaped by collaborative robots, specifically cobot welders. These machines are revolutionizing welding solutions, making welding faster, easier, and more efficient.

If you're thinking of investing, you're probably wondering: what's the real cost of bringing these advanced welding systems on board? Let's dive into the factors that drive the price and explore what you can expect to invest.

Topics: Robotic Welding, Automation

Cobot Welding VS Robot Welding: Which is Right for You?

Posted by Andrew Caldwell on Mar 13, 2025 2:27:37 PM

Imagine this: Your business faces a flood of activity. Orders pile up. Welding bottlenecks are killing your production. Each weld looks different from the last. Sound familiar?

If so, cobot and robot welding might be what you need. Both boost speed, quality, and lead to increased productivity. The question is, which one fits your shop?

This article will give you a close look. We'll break down each technology, so you can make the best choice for you and your shop.

Topics: Robotic Welding, Automation

5 Misconceptions About Cobot Welding

Posted by Brandon Stover on Feb 13, 2025 9:45:38 AM

Collaborative robots - or cobots - are increasingly changing the manufacturing landscape. By automating tasks, cobots have helped manufacturers streamline their operations and boost productivity. Specifically for welding, cobots have brought a level of precision and flexibility that's hard to match. 

Despite the recent spark in interest, there are still some misconceptions floating around that might be holding you back from investing. So, lets go over five common misconceptions about cobot welders and try to debunk them

Topics: Robotic Welding, Automation

How to Maximize Your ROI With Cobot Automation

Posted by Scott Huber on Sep 24, 2024 3:25:32 PM

In today's fast-paced environment, companies are constantly on the lookout for innovative solutions that drive productivity while also minimizing costs. In the world of welding, collaborative robots (cobots) have emerged as a promising solution, gaining widespread traction. Businesses around the globe are discovering that cobots offer a versatile and cost-effective way to boost efficiency. In today's blog, we're going over some of the ways that cobots can increase your ROI and maximize your savings.

Topics: Robotic Welding, Automation

6 Ways to Improve Efficiency in Your Robotic Welding Cell

Posted by Dave Detmer on Jun 26, 2024 11:47:13 AM

There are countless robotic welding cell setups tailored to various jobs, and it's rare to find two that are exactly alike. This diversity stems from the wide range of welding automation needs for different parts and products. 

Despite their differences, most robotic welding cells share a common trait: they could benefit from performance improvements. These enhancements can range from minor adjustments that simplify programming and maintenance or extend the lifespan of parts, to more significant changes like adding peripheral equipment to reduce long-term costs and increase uptime. 

Let's go over six practical ways to improve the efficiency of your robotic welding cell.

Topics: Robotic Welding, Automation

Ensuring Safe Welding with Collaborative Robots

Posted by Brandon Stover on Jun 4, 2024 2:49:57 PM

Welding with collaborative robots or cobots, introduces unique safety challenges that require careful planning and proactive measures. Implementing key safety practices can protect workers and maintain a safe work environment. 

Topics: Robotic Welding, Automation

Cobots: Revolutionizing Welding Amid Skilled Worker Shortage

Posted by Brandon Stover on Apr 3, 2024 9:53:47 AM

In recent years, the manufacturing industry has faced a significant challenge – a shortage of skilled welders. As businesses strive to maintain and improve their welding processes, many are turning to innovative solutions, and one technology is standing out: collaborative robots, or cobots. Let's dive into how cobots, are addressing the shortage of welders and bringing significant value to businesses through the welding process.

Topics: Robotic Welding, Automation

Robots & Robotic Welding Torches | ABB Robotics x ABICOR BINZEL

Posted by Scott Huber on Mar 31, 2022 11:18:00 AM

As technology advances, your workplace must adapt to keep up with the need. That period of adapting will look different for everyone, as some operations needs are on a much smaller scale than others. For those in larger manufacturing plants, the push to automate has become a more prevalent move. Productivity is the name of the game and to keep up, operations must be able to repeat their tasks quickly and efficiently.

Topics: Robotic Welding, Automation

Automated Weld Inspection with BINZEL and SmartRay

Posted by Jeff Henderson on Mar 28, 2022 8:01:39 PM

Weld inspection is a topic discussed time and time again, as many debate what the best process is and why it will provide the best overall result. This is where the collaboration between SmartRay and ABICOR BINZEL comes into play.

Topics: Automation, Weld Inspection

Seam Tracking and Welding Peripherals: ABICOR BINZEL x Yaskawa Motoman

Posted by Scott Huber on Mar 10, 2022 8:00:00 AM

With the current state of the welding industry as it sits now, we are seeing a lot of manufacturers moving away from manual to create a more automated process. With this comes a host of new welding equipment that can benefit your process, from improving repeatability and traceability, to increasing productivity and general performance.

Topics: Robotic Welding, Automation