When you are evaluating a new robot welding torch, the ramifications of the testing is huge. Normally for large manufacturing companies, this is putting a solutions on the production for years with a high equipment investment. This makes the need to get great data to use to evaluate the right solution critical.
How to Test Robotic Welding Torches and Get a Reliable Result
Topics: Robotic Welding
Robotic Fume Extraction: A Guide on Source Capture Solutions
The robotic fume extraction landscape has featured few lean, advanced, and cost-effective solutions for manufacturers. While fume extraction for manual welding has experienced a significant spike in new solutions entering the market – from high-vacuum systems to multi-gun units, to countless new fume extraction gun concepts – robotics has remained ignored and mostly unchanged with minimal innovation to speak of.
Topics: Robotic Welding, Fume Extraction
What Should I Know Before Buying a Torch Cleaning Station?
Even if you are already convinced of the advantages of a torch cleaning station, there are still some important things to consider before you buy. With the right choice of torch cleaning station, you can optimize your welding process without welding spatter being an issue.
Topics: Robotic Welding
How to Avoid Errors with a Torch Cleaning Station
In automation, processes for joining metals are about plant availability, the reduction of technical and organizational downtime, and fast cycle times. For these points to not to be endangered in your company, the use of a torch cleaning station for automated MIG / MAG welding is indispensable. A torch cleaning station as a system component in the welding cell ensures that the functionality of the welding torch is maintained so that no process errors occur.
Topics: Robotic Welding
Robotic Welding Troubleshooting Tips
When it comes to weld cell issues, oftentimes it is the simple things that are affecting its performance. Being able to know the basics and go through the basics will usually solve the vast majority of your robotic torch performance problems.
Topics: Robotic Welding
A Brief Guide on Wire Brakes for Robotic Welding
Robotic welding torches with integrated wire brake are designed for use in robotic welding applications utilizing the weld wire to touch sense weldment parts (i.e. check for part placement and/or fit up).
Topics: Robotic Welding
5 Tools Every Robotic Welding Torch Should Have
Robotic welding torches can streamline the welding process and make it a more reliable and faster production. But robotic welding cells and the torch itself is only as good as what you surround it with. Beyond talented personnel, there are tools every welding robot and robotic torch could use to make automated welding a more effective and efficient process.
Topics: Robotic Welding
How Much Does a Robotic Torch Cost?
So what does a robotic torch cost? You probably browse some of the welding equipment supplier websites and never see a price on those sites (ours included!), but then go to a welding distributor website or browse through their catalogs and get the List price from them. How do you know what you're paying for?
Topics: Robotic Welding
Air-cooled vs. Water-cooled for Robotic Welding Torches
When it comes to robotic MIG welding you often have to ask the question about whether you should go air-cooled or water-cooled. It's always good to have the right tool in the right place for both optimal performance and cost. Looking at water-cooled versus air cooled, there are obvious cases where you would choose one over the other.
Topics: Robotic Welding
Robotic Welding Cable Assemblies: Telling a Good One from a Bad
When you think of welding automation, cable assemblies are probably not the highest priority when evaluating options. But you may be overlooking a critical part of the torch as you go through all the different robot torch options out there. Without question, the quality of your cable assembly plays a key role in maximizing the efficiency of your automated welding processes.
Topics: Robotic Welding