Ob ein Rohrschweiß-Cobot SWR eingesetzt werden soll oder nicht, wirft sicherlich viele Fragen auf. Um Ihnen die Arbeit zu erleichtern und umgehend Antworten zu erhalten, haben wir die 22 am häufigsten gestellten Fragen zum Rohrschweiß-Cobot SWR zusammengestellt. Wir hoffen, dass diese Ihnen in einem ersten Schritt helfen können.
Soroush Karimzadeh
Soroush is the CEO at Novarc Technologies. Previously, he was a Product Manager at Autopro Automation, managing industrial automation projects for oil and gas and mining companies. Prior to this, he was a project engineer at Kruger Products, designing, developing and implementing automated systems for paper machines and converting lines. Before Kruger, Soroush founded and lead a startup technology company creating a novel SaaS CRM platform and also helped as development associate for a National Investment Banking Conference. Soroush holds an MBA in Strategy and Finance from University of British Columbia and has passed all three levels of the CFA program. He holds a Master of Applied Science in electrical engineering from University of British Columbia and a bachelor of science in electrical engineering from Sharif University of Technology.
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Rohrschweiß-Cobot SWR: FAQs
Soroush Karimzadeh verfasst am 23.04.2020 11:54:40
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Themen: Schweissautomatisierung