Mike Russell

Mike Russell is a District Sales Manager for ABICOR BINZEL covering the Northwest Territory. Mike has close to 40 years experience in the welding industry, working with ITW for over a decade prior to his time at Binzel. He is a graduate of the College of Marin.
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Recent Posts

Why Should You Use a Premium MIG Gun?

Posted by Mike Russell on Oct 27, 2017 3:05:49 PM

When I meet a customer for the first time I like to ask them first and foremost about the torches they currently use. Most of the time they answer the question something like this:

Topics: MIG Guns & Torches

Welding with Fixtures

Posted by Mike Russell on Mar 24, 2017 9:56:00 AM

I've been in the welding industry for something going on 40 years. I've seen a lot, and to this day I still see a lot of welding operations out there that put some crazy contraptions on their welding fixtures to get their welds done. Some of them make sense for the applications, but a lot of times they're doing it to their own detriment.

Topics: Hard Automation

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