Brandon Stover

Welding Lab Manager
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5 reasons for welding with a cobot

Posted by Brandon Stover on Oct 7, 2020 5:42:06 AM

It doesn’t have to be a welding robot!

At some point, the time has come and:

  • the manual welder reaches the limits of his physical capacity
  • the quantities are too large to meet the desired delivery date
  • the topic of automation must be discussed

Automation? Aren’t these robot welding cells which usually take up a lot of space and are really expensive? In order to make their purchase profitable, enough parts have to be processed to operate the system at full capacity. In addition, there is the programming of the welding robot, which requires additional knowledge. Is there no interim solution if an industrial welding robot is still a size too big? Yes, there is: cobot welding.

Topics: Robotic Welding